Can I Change? / Primo & The Groupe
城内宏信によるジャズ・プロジェクト“PRIMO & THE GROUPE”のアナログカット第5弾はThe Cinematic Orchestraのリードシンガーとして知られるHeidi Vogel、トロントのSpicy&SexyなシンガーDeborah Ledonをゲストに迎えた彩り豊かな意欲作!
静と動が絡み合うHeidiのヴォーカルとスタイリッシュなアレンジが出会った極上のジャズダンスチューン「Can I Change」、ソリッドなリズム隊の上で心地よく踊るサックス&ピアノによる高速アンサンブルがなんともスリリングな「Tiffany Girl」、ハワイアンAORの名曲をダンスフロア・サルサへと再構築し、デモ段階から各所で話題を集めた「Hunk of Heaven」、7拍子の変則リズムがエグい長尺スピリチュアルジャズ「Jazz Carnival」、ジャズが持つダイナミズムや情感をドラムンベース~ダブ・ステップ以降のセンスで深化させたJAZZBROTHERSによるリミックスの5曲を収録。
品番 : PRIMO-10
税抜き価格 ¥2297
After 2 years from his last release, the 5TH release by one of the top leading Jazz DJs in Tokyo Hironobu Jyounai’s Jazz project “PRIMO & THE GROUPE” has finally arrived! Delightfully colourful and ambitious work with two featured vocalists – Heidi Vogel, also known as the lead singer of The Cinematic Orchestra, and Spicy&Sexy Deborah Ledon from Tronto!
5 included works are : “Can I Change”: A supreme Jazz dance tune with a miraculous encounter of Heidi’s stillness-motion intertwined vocal and its stylish arrangement, “Tiffany Girl” is very thrilling, super fast ensemble of the peacefully dancing saxophone and pianos on the solid rhythm section, “Hunk of Heaven”, the Hawaiian AOR masterpiece was reconstructed to dance floor salsa tune, and its demo version has been a song of the news everywhere in its early demo stage, “Jazz Carnival” is a long and spiritual Jazz with 7/8 tricky rhythm, and lastly a remix by Jazzbrothers, which has deepened the dynamism and emotion of Jazz to the next level by digesting their experiences through 90’s Drum’n Bass to recent Dubstep.
Domestically pressed 180g Vinyl and CD is also included. Now already his standard “neko” jacket was faithfully printed with luxury coated paper, designed and finished in Japan.
Lovely sounding project with a distinctly Japanese feel. Much goodness for my radio shows. – Patrick Forge (Mi Soul/ NTS)
My kind of Japanese Jazz ! Quality outfit !No Brainer I love this stuff been buying it for 35 years ! Class and will be in my shows. – Colin Curtis (New Sunset Radio Freestylin’)
Effervescent Japanese grooves destined to be heavily featured in my shows. Very nice indeed! – Rich Chocolate (scandinaviansoul.com /floradio.com)
Yep, it’s good with a distinct Japanese feel. Will definitely be making time to feature this on my show. – Steve Johns (Solar Radio, London)
Juicy Jazz of the Japanese variety! – nice. – Devon Daley (A Touch of Soul BBC)
Lots of love for this, all of it. – Chris Philips (Jazz FM)
Sounds good to me! Looking forward to being the last person to play it first. – Peter Young (Jazz FM)
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