ジャズ・ダンサー「Movement」はじめ、クラブ・ジャズの初期衝動に溢れる、DJ 城内宏信によるPRIMO & THE GROUPEの4th EP。
高揚感溢れるサックスのブロウとリリカルなピアノソロが躍動感あるアンサンブルを展開する極上のダンスジャズチューン A1.”Movement”。
レガートなフェンダーローズとシャープなリズムの鮮やかな対比がシンフォニックな余韻をはらませるA2.”Movement -5/8 version-“。
熱いアフロ・キューバン・グルーヴと妖艶なリズムにホーンアンサンブルがバッチリ決まったバップチューン B1.”Salsa de Santa Rosa”。
全編を覆うエスニックなトーンに必殺の変拍子フレーズを組み込んだ構成が強烈な印象を残すジャパニーズクラブシーンの重鎮、JazzBrothersの竹花英二によるB2.”Movement -Eiji Takehana Rework”の4曲を収録!
品番 : PRIMO-09
税抜価格 : ¥1600
PRIMO & THE GROUPE are back! PRIMO is a project from DJ/producer Hironobu Jyounai who is very very happening cat in tokyo as a DJ and record producer. With the Primo label he has released some very tasty jazz, fusion and Brazilian gems.
The first is “Movement” which kicks off the A-side, the killer jazz dance tune, performed by a vibrant ensemble featuring dynamic sax and lyrical piano. This is a cover version of a fantastic but relatively little known masterpiece of Japanese jazz, a piece full of riveting pace and vitality, that was originally featured on the first lead album by Ryusei Tomoyose. Tomoyose was a great tenor saxophonist who gained a reputation as the Okinawan “Nabesada” (Sadao Watanabe) and played a major role in the development of the jazz scene in Okinawa. The sparkling tone, suggesting the radiant blue of the sea, and the melody invoke in the listener an ideal balance of tension and comfort. This is followed by another version of the same piece given a jazz-rock interpretation employing irregular metre. While on the one hand displaying an aggressive mien, the scintillating contrast between the legato playing on the Fender Rhodes piano and the sharp rhythms gives rise to a symphonic afterglow.
The first piece on Side B is “Salsa de Santa Rosa”, a tune in a bop style that’s pulled forward by the earthy bass line. The performance features an exciting Afro-Cuban flavor along with an immaculate and brilliant horn section. You’re bound to enjoy to the full the appeal unique to jazz and the lightness of this great rendition of this piece. The final item is a remix by Eiji Takehana(Jazzbrothers), one of the most popular DJ/producer on the Japanese club scene. This is a really impressive and memorable remix featuring the ethnic tone that pervades the whole recording combined with compelling phrases in irregular metre.This vinyl 12″ is killer! Proper jazz dance vibes…
This limited edition 45rpm 12″+CD comes complete in a beautiful picture sleeve, and is destined to become quite a collectors item – so we respectfully suggest you grab one for yourself without further ado! You can purchase the lovely four track vinyl 12″ single+CD via online vinyl shops…
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